The following payment methods are available for deliveries within Germany:

Payment method Payment in advance / bank transfer After completing the order process, please transfer the total amount to the bank details in your order confirmation, stating your order number. Your order will be shipped after receipt of your payment!
Note: If payment is not made within 4 weeks, the order will be automatically deleted.

sofortü After completing the order process, please transfer the total amount to the bank details in your order confirmation, stating your order number. Your order will be shipped after receipt of your payment.

PayPal checkout Please have the access data for your PayPal account ready. Your order will be shipped IMMEDIATELY if available!

VISA / Mastercard Please have your credit card ready and enter your details on the next page below. Your order will be delivered or shipped IMMEDIATELY if available! Your credit card will be charged upon completion of the order.

Invoice Up to an order value of 100 € we offer payment by invoice. Pay easily and conveniently within 10 days by bank transfer. Services/goods will be shipped IMMEDIATELY if available!

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